At Moore Orthopedics, we accept a variety of insurance and payment options for treatment. Learn more by reading below or give one of our three convenient locations a call for any questions you may have.
Worker's Compensation -
If your injury is work-related, you must provide us with your employer's information, worker's compensation carrier, claim number, and the date of your injury. Our providers are Select Net Preferred Providers through Pinnacol Assurance. Any other worker's compensation companies will need to give our office authorization for your treatment.
Insurance Billing -
Any co-pays for your insurance plan will be due at the time of your appointment. We will submit bills to any participating insurance companies. You'll be responsible for any charges not covered by your insurance plan. If you can pay the full amount at once, we will provide you a discount. If you can't pay the full amount at once, we can work with you to arrange a payment plan. Contact us for more details.
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